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Writer's pictureC.J. Baty

It's Event Time

Summer is the time when authors travel from place to place to see readers, sell books, talk to readers, see other author friends, hopefully make new reader followers, and just have fun.

Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of hard work. Packing books, swag, banners, gift baskets, give-a-ways and a change of clothes or two in your car and drive hours away. Do authors enjoy it - Hell Yes! It's our time to talk to the people who enjoy our stories and let us know what they want to see in our books.

Some readers have 'Book Boyfriends'. Some collect every piece of swag (bookmarks, button pens, writing pens, stickers and some not safe for work) items they can. They wear their favorite book related tee shirts. Take pictures and just have a grand time.

I was just in Peoria IL for the Writers on the River Author Event. The 8th one in a row. We even had one online during Covid. 99 authors, 425 readers, a mountain of volunteers that come together each year to celebrate their love of books and reading.

If you love books, do yourself a favor and attend an event near you! It's nothing like you've ever experienced, and you'll never forget it.

I will be at the Knoxville TN Rockin' Romance Readers Event on Saturday, August 5. Join me. Check out the Facebook page for more information. (11) Rockin Romance Readers Author Event READER GROUP | Facebook

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