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  • Writer's pictureC.J. Baty

Life Gets in the Way - Most of the Time

The past two years have been filled with so much real life issues for me, I've had a hard time keeping up with writing, marketing, and just doing the things I love as an author. I finally have my parents moved from Florida to much closer to me (only 5 minutes away), but I find I spend a large part of my time helping them with even everyday stuff. I'm blessed to have them with me and I don't regret a moment I spend with them or doing things for them. It is what it is.

However, it's not long until we have a new year and I'm hoping that my family responsibilities and my author life will have a better balance.

I have one more book event this year. I'll be at Rebels and Readers Author Event in Huntington, WV on Nov 5. If you are attending, please stop by and say hello.

As far as WIP's... The next Pinkerton Man Book 6 is under way. And a brand new story from Catherine Marcum, my new pen name, will be coming in Feb/Mar 2023. I'll also have a story in the next Kaleidoscope Hearts Anthology from Catherine as well.

2023 will bring me traveling a little closer to home for book events.

Cleveland, OH

Knoxville, TN

Memphis, TN

Peoria, IL

Huntington, WV

Two of these are brand new events for me. I'll be returning again to the other three. I'll be updating the website and the blog with dates and links to tickets by the end of the year.

I hope you are all enjoying the fall and are looking forward to the Holiday Seasons almost upon us.

Thanks so much for stopping by and reading.



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